Is That Burning Hair?...
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Hooray! Go make some threads! 8D

Damascus' story wasn't simple, but it was something Jefferson had heard a few times before. It struck his interest each time he heard it; how was it, first of all, that wolves were so accepting to throw away a perfectly fine child? The mutation -- the luperci gene -- was different from what they were used to, but no reason for shunning. He, as cold and bitter as he was at times, couldn't imagine throwing away one of his children for such a reason. After all, when he'd stared into the menacing, yellow eyes of his children who sought his blood, Jefferson had thought of nothing else but to apologize, patch things up, and begin anew. Unfortunately, life hadn't been so easy. After Miriette left, he hadn't seen hide nor tail of any of them.

Jefferson frowned at the stranger's loss of tail, but the boy hardly knew pain, even when staring into the face of a one-eyed, three-legged monster himself. He said nothing, though, his thoughts aligning with Xeris' as he recalled the wolfess' admission of the attack at Inferni she'd endured. Of anyone, Xeris would have been the best one to drill it into the new members' heads that they needed to be careful out there, even if they were Tueris or Tutela ranks that required knowledge outside of Phoenix Valley. When the white wolfess admitted to something more, however, the Patriarch's one eye turned and affixed on her in mild surprise accompanied by a raised eyebrow. Oh, was that it? She'd gotten bigger, but he hadn't thought much about it. In terms of romance and pups, Jefferson was unsurprisingly dense. Funny, how he'd told that to Geneva, and yet she'd chased after him anyway. "Neat," he said, a word he'd never expected to use for anything, but oddly couldn't find another way to describe such a... miracle? Bah. He glanced back to Damascus then and donned a slight smile. "All right then, you belong to Xeris for now. If she goes into labor, well, then you get to be the one to find Pendzez."

He smirked, cackling a little to himself, as he turned and started away. "You'll start out as Loas for now, and when you show us what you can do, we'll put you in a rank accordingly. Don't worry, she'll take good care of you." And with that, still snickering like the sarcastic asshole he was, Jefferson took his exit.


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