Rainy day women #12&35
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Damn, this is long o_o; 500+

"Princess is doing well. She's a sweet girl, just didn't get the start in life she deserved to." It was a story that seemed to occur more often than it should. It seemed that she had been treated much better than Ares, her brother, had, but Savina had a hard time believing that Tokyo had been anything close to a good mother to her daughter either. There was something severely wrong with that woman and the Commander was more than happy to take in the mistreated youths and give them a good home. Crimson Dreams was the perfect place for the Chance siblings, considering before they even joined Tokyo had been banned from coming near the pack's borders.

It was a difficult thing for the woman to cope with and she doubted that it would ever change. With time the emotional wounds would fade but they'd never be gone completely. She had trusted her brother the most and he had hurt her in one of the worst ways possible. He hadn't meant to, she knew, but that couldn't change the fact of what had happened. Anselm's words were meant to help and she understood them, but Ehno being friends with Naniko hadn't been the problem (though she would have just preferred for him to stay away from the woman compeletely). "I wasn't asking him to be her enemy, but he went beyond simply being a helping friend as well. That is what is so painful." If he had simply been there to help her out of her addiction Savina wouldn't have had a problem. It was only when Ehno had crossed the line of physical intimacy that things had become so messed up. "I never would have expected him to not help her with the pups, they're his children too. It's hard though. I'm afraid I might never really get to know my nieces and nephew." Her brother wanted her to know them, but Savina knew that if Naniko had a choice she would keep the pups away from her.

The sable fey's head cocked to the side in surprise. "You know my sister?" This was certainly news to her. Not that she cared, she was just surprised that one of her best friends and her sister had met and she was only finding out about it now. "But, yeah, she's fine, and the pups too.
She had a boy and girl."
Savina wondered when and where Anselm had met her sister. Surely she hadn't gone all the way up to Inferni. Perhaps here in the city then? She was incredibly curious about this but she kept her questions silent. She didn't want to be nosy and it really wasn't any of her business; Ghita was her sibling not her child.

The Marino's heart dropped at the news of Ryan and Valkyrie. "I'm sorry...I had no idea..." She really hadn't had a clue that Ryan wasn't around anymore. It had been a long while since she had seen her, but that was unfortunately the norm for them considering Savina didn't want to risk going near the coyote clan. Anselm's daughter had been a very dear friend of her's and know that she had left and she hadn't known made her incredibly sad. Ears folded against her head and tail drooped as she looked at the ground. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't a little hurt by the fact that she hadn't gotten to say goodbye. "Yeah...hopefully they'll come back sometime." She tried to keep the sorrow out of her voice in a lame attempt from bringing the mood even lower.

At Anselm's offer she nodded her head. "That sounds nice, thank you," she said finding a smile somewhere deep inside of her. It seemed that her goal of avoiding a dip back into a dark mood had been a failure so far, and that was a disappointment. Maybe another change of scenery would help.


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