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wallsIt was no wonder that this bay was by far his favourite place to be. The light that had begun to rise out of the darkness had exploded into a mass of so many colours; reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, a hint of purple, all streaming from that single line of horizon out there in the distance, filtering into the dark sky overhead and beyond. A soft but chilled breeze blew in from across the choppy water as he stood mesmerised, barely noticing with his eyes stuck to the sky. It had not sunk in yet that because he didn't live in Inferni anymore, it would be more arduous to get here whenever the desire struck him. He would have to move away from the coast and find somewhere to hole up, at least for the remainder of the winter, and even then he had not found much in the line of a shelter during any one of the many times he had walked along the coast, happily established because he lived with the clan. There would be no more coming out here every dawn and dusk to watch the sky come alive this way or to watch it darken as the stars began to speckle the sky. He had taken it for granted, and now that he had left, the coast was no longer his to call home.

wallsLarge coyote ears flicked back at the sound of quiet steps approaching across the frozen sand, his nose flaring suddenly as he swung his head around to see a large, yellow-eyed male. After a moment of sudden panic, his nerves finally settled, and he glanced curiously over the creature. Ordinarily, he would not have reacted so abruptly, but he hadn't expected anyone to come along, at least in the early morning light. Jesile had also learned in the duration of his absence that not everyone could be trusted, and that there were a select, unhinged few out there who would sooner kill him than any rational action that typically went hand-in-hand with being confronted with someone. On the other hand, the wolf didn't display hostility by any degree and he felt comfortable, even safe, despite the bulkiness the other male had on him. He had his speed, and if it had saved his life once, he could rely on it again if need be. The faintest scent of Jaded Shadows could be derived from the gray male, which put him at ease more than anything else. He was from around here. The young coyote disregarded any initial cause for alarm he may have found, his gaze shifting toward the other from where he stood firm and facing the bay.

wallsHey, he returned, his tone even enough, his expression interested.

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