a fever coming on.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Homg, I have to add Snake to Residence List, ja?! :o I had originally wanted Kae to live in an old, hollowed-out VW van in the junkyard, but I decided on a cave. XDD And damn Mel for deciding to make a new subterritory today otherwise we could have set this thread there. D: WE SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE THEM GO WANDER OVER THERE. >__>;;

    Strangely enough, the hybrid woman found she was not alone. The coyote woman had not expected to see anyone over on this far edge of the territory, but it was a welcome surprise—one of the newer members of the coyote clan, Snake. Well, let's amend that, he wasn't exactly new, but the hybrid woman hadn't seen much of his face around, nor did she know him too well. Still, Gabriel had thought it appropriate to make him their newest Hastati, an almost surefire way to insure ascension to the Hydra rank, one of their more revered positions in the clan, as that trio of canines was responsible for protecting the Aquila, quite an important job.

    It would seem Kaena was intruding on the other canine's solitude; he had already staked out a rock on which to perch, perhaps to watch the sea or watch the storm roll in or simply scout the territory—the hybrid didn't know, and it was unnerving to her to lack a connection to one of their own, though in the recent days there had been several new additions to the clan and there were several unfamiliar faces the the hybrid woman. As the silver-furred coyote approached, the tawny canine hopped down from his perch, dipping his head. The hybrid smiled faintly at this; she was not particular to gestures of submissiveness but she didn't typically shrug them off, not like with Hybrid.

    Her pace slowed considerably as she altered her path slightly to head for Snake, slowing down to a trot as she drew nearer. "Been a while," she said, her golden eye roving over the other canine's form appreciatively. Snake had filled out since he'd first arrived on coyote territory, and it was quite evident to the silver-furred hybrid. "Looks like you've settled in nicely?" she asked, always willing to be cordial to the canines of her clan even if she was withering on the inside.


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