I should have given you a reason to stay
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... rtable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
wohoo retard reply from meee

         Her words were embraced and interrogated, completely stripped for the meanings he could find in them. The boy felt nervous now, afraid she would think he was mentally retarded for not fully grasping the idea quickly enough. Questions danced around in his head, wanted insurances and confirmations. So the apple kind of started with an A symbol? His brain tried to understand and make sense of it, but he was uncertain if it was able to succeed. An apple was an apple. What more would help him read the word apple then? So this is showing begin symbols for all words? He quickly looked at the limited pages of the book. How was he supposed to learn and remember the starting sounds of every thing and word in the world? If that was just starting sounds, what about the rest of the symbols to complete the words? Conor felt horror lurking close.

B for bear? He did not understand. He recognized the Apple start symbol and tumbled into the confusion head first. ”I .. How can it be bear if it has apple start letter inside?” the boy asked, still focusing too hard on the apple. It was so obvious that the young boy had not yet started to see the whole picture; that the letters suggested the sounds used in the word.


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