burning beacon in the night

        A lonely corner of his mouth curled upwards as she asked if he had received help when he had gone through his first shift. Yes, the best assistance he could have hoped for. ”A member I did not know came to my aid and helped me dealing with what had happened and even taught me to walk after that.” Cwmfen nic Graine was a beautiful female in both soul and body. He had been very lucky that she had been close and come to his aid. Of the Dahlian leaders Conor believed he respected the white eyes black woman the most. She was wise and gentle; a perfect leader in every way in the young male’s opinion. Cercelee was a kind soul as well, but the golden boy did not know his Rosea too well. Haku Soul was terrifying.

The boy’s remaining hand was slowly being pulled back and away from the girl now. It was quite odd how quickly a luperci seemed to be able to handle walking on two legs. The Dahlian male believed it was an instinct of some kind that allowed them to adapt to the new way of walking so quickly. It was all about getting the idea and then to spend a few minutes practising while holding on to something in order to get used to the feeling of walking on two instead of four.



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