a fever coming on.
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/kae_razor.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Myrrrmidon. :O I heard it before, but I forgot it! D: It is a cool word, though.

    Solitude was a fleeting thing for the hybrid woman as of late; her own space had been invaded by a virtual stranger. It was much the same as when Fatin had lived with her, though, much the same as when she'd bedded down with one in particular for a long period of time—perhaps Kaena was meant to be alone in her dwelling. She did not know if it was simple lack of space and feeling crowded or simply tension between herself and another; it varied in degree with each of these different instances. Near the end, Kaena and Ahren had been virtual strangers to each other, avoiding each other and the eventual admission that they were through for as long as they could. This discomfort was less palpable with Fatin; the russet female had been in recovery and sleeping quite a lot of the time, and Kaena had her alone time elsewhere, on the far edges of the coyote territory. With Vieira, it was even easier—if Kaena did not wish to see her face, the hybrid could simply send her off, command her into the alcove she called her home or send her on a meaningless errand.

    It would seem solitude was even more difficult to come by in recent times; the clan had several new additions, none of which Kaena knew very well. There was at least one canine to which the hybrid could attribute neither a name nor a face, and she found this rather curious. The scent-markings across the territory were intensely varied now, and the hybrid woman was quite happy to find her clan swelling to such numbers. Now was a time she generally preferred to blend in with the crowd. It was easier to disguise oneself in that way, though she supposed it would be difficult for her specifically to do such a thing. She didn't exactly have a typical face, and it was doubly difficult for her to fly under the radar in her current rank. Leaders were meant to be out there and vocal, seen by the rest—otherwise they simply weren't fulfilling their duties as the leadership of the clan. The silver-furred woman had been chosen by her son to walk at his side, and her responisibilities weren't going anywhere.

    "Yeah, I don't think I'll be leaving again, myself," the hybrid said, punctuating her statement with a raspy laugh as she thought of the time she'd spent away from Inferni. It was harsh living, to be certain. Curiosity showed on her scarred features as she added a question. "Where'd you settle in? Haven't seen you by the caves," she said. It was simple interest; when she'd spent some time with Cotl in the mansion she hadn't smelled Snake's scent there, either. Those were the two primary places to settle in the coyote clan; she wondered where had he taken up residence. The hybrid supposed they were getting rather crowded in the territory. His words fell on her ears and she forced a grin, shaking out her thick ruff of fur as best she could and feigning pride. "Can't complain." The ashen-furred female hadn't spoken of what was bothering her (to say the least) to those closest to her; there was nothing for her to do but play everything off and pretend it was alright, keep her face stoic and her head down. No one had to know.

    "What's run you out here today?" the coyote asked, shifting the subject to him. Snake was an intriguing canine, a far shade different than the thin teenager Kaena had first met on the clan's borders.


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