your sons and your daughters
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   As much as her heart and mind wanted to believe otherwise, Rikka was seeing that freedom might not be a possibility for Vieira. If this had been all she had known her whole life then maybe there was nothing that could be done to fix her. Still, that didn't mean that the cycle of abuse couldn't change. Even if the smaller fey could do nothing but behave as a servant she should be given the right of not having to live in fear. She was a part of the clan now and the point of the clan was to protect one another. Sometimes things went beyond that, but that was the basic principle. If they weren't even safe from one another then what was the point of living together? If they couldn't treat each other with respect and care then they were all lost.

   "No, she's not." What, just because she wasn't Kaena's blood meant that she wasn't worth caring about? Meant that she deserved what had been done to her? Deserved her station? "This is not about blood, or parentage. It's so much bigger than that. She is the same basic kind of animal that we all are. So what if she's Astaroth's daughter? She isn't Astaroth. She probably hated him as much as you did. Why should she pay for the sins of her father? It's clear to me she's already paid more than anyone should ever have to." Rikka didn't know much about the man, but she had gleaned that he was a savage and she had no doubt that Vieira had suffered greatly at the hands of her sire. Kaena had the power to break that cycle, to prove that she was better than him. "You have the chance to be the bigger person here, and you should want to. You shouldn't want to be like the man you killed."

   Sharp golden eyes looked over her dam carefully, looking for any crack in her facade, any hint that she wasn't being truthful about her treatment of Vieira. She couldn't see anything, but she had a gut feeling that the woman was not being completely honest with her. Her gaze was strong and forceful as she made eye contact with her, staring at her for a long while before deciding to speak again. "I certainly hope not, because if you did it'd be the worst thing you've ever done." It'd be something I couldn't forgive you for. Even if she had turned a blind eye to things she knew her mother had done horrible things, her statement held true though. Hurting that girl would be the worst crime.


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