The second plague


It was wonderful to have a fresh and unmarred mind to turn for once. Haku’s shortened tail wagged pleasantly and he was quite content with the woman. He expected her to turn into a failure like the rest of the pack of mutts of course, but positivity could not really hurt. It was not as if she was set to do anything majorly important, so she could easily fuck up and be dismissed without any issues if it came to that. When she agreed with a smile the man’s ears perked at those words, looking for any irony or reluctance. Despite his usual low expectations, he did believe however that she would be much more useful than his two co-leaders. Well, Cwmfen was not useless in that sense, but the Rosea certainly was. It was such a shame that he had allowed her to rest on her tall throne for as long as she had. The male’s brilliant blue orbs revealed a flash of ice as he thought about the alpha of Dahlia, but only for a split moment.

He nodded at the woman, his impossibly blue orbs warm and present now. ”Either that or call out for me,” the Lilium rumbled with a pleased look in his face. ”Or you could take care of it on your own, if you believe you would be able to do so.” Retarded loners were not entirely uncommon anywhere and he was quite sure that she would soon enough stumble into one of the brainless creatures. His muzzle lowered again to hover over the carcass of the game. He could smell nothing out of the ordinary on the corpse and shook his head slowly. ”Such a waste..” he mumbled before giving the dead meat a gentle push. He suddenly looked up to the unusual female again. ”Hungry?” Haku could pretend to be nice if he just wanted to.


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