Yearbook 2009
Character Name: Barthélémy Aston
Character Pack: Phoenix Valley
One or two line quote for your character: "Action from principle is revolutionary." - Henry David Thoreau
150x150 picture of your character:
[Image: tan5eh.jpg]
Favorite thread involving this character: Ce matin j'imagine un dessin sans nuage.

Character Name: Tayui Aston
Character Pack: AniWaya
One or two line quote for your character: "With us to watch the minutes of this night." - Marcellus (Hamlet)
150x150 picture of your character:
[Image: 2qi6vyp.png] By Hanna
Favorite thread involving this character: seeing myself this way, I am a monster I believe

Character Name: Hybrid Holocaust
Character Pack: Inferni
One or two line quote for your character: "Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing." - Edmund Burke
150x150 picture of your character:
[Image: 280my36.png] By Mel
Favorite thread involving this character:

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