a fever coming on.

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The coyote woman recalled the previous flood of newcomers to their midst with a certain amount of hostility; she understood the need to wander, but it right pissed her off when they drifted in and out so quickly, piggybacking on Inferni's size and status until they were recovered enough to move on. The silvery hybrid wished she had a radar for that sort of thing, but unfortunately, none existed, and she certainly could not go around turning down potential members of the coyote clan simply for some notion that they were going to depart immediately upon regaining their full health. After all, she might have even thought that about Snake when he first came to Inferni's border, and if she had rejected his presence on that inner feeling alone, they would be sans one member who had turned out beyond their expectations. They were lucky to have him—though she personally did not know him well, his rank at Hastati indicated a certain amount of trust from the Aquila, as such a rank generally meant one advanced to the Hydra position once very-well-established and proven within the clan, and Kaena respected her son's opinion of others, to say the least.

He spoke, and the hybrid nodded, shrugging a coal-dusted shoulder. She did not understand such phobias, but she disliked living in human buildings for similar reasons, or so she thought. "Well, we've all got at least one thing to fear, hm?" she said almost dismissively. Such a thing didn't seem as if it would hamper him through life; it wasn't as though the canine lifestyle caused them to wander through caves and buildings very often. The latter was generally only sought when they wanted human implements or if they chose to live in such a place, as Halo and Cotl had. The silver-furred woman listened to the man's description of his home, and she tilted her head to the side, curious at his description of it. "Huh. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. Sounds interesting," she said, nodding at his next words. She wanted to ask if she could wander by and have a look, but she was almost nervous; her scarred muzzle split into a smile at the mention of quiet. "Sounds nice," she corrected herself.

It wasn't as if Kae hated living around everyone else, but she had never been too much of a social creature, and she still grappled with some of those issues. Sometimes it made her feel rather crowded to be around so many of the others, though the vast majority of the time she certainly appreciated their presence. She had worried for Halo when she was living all alone in the huge mansion; the same fear for Snake did not cross her mind, for it was evident to Kaena that Snake could take are of himself. The other canine spoke of the ocean, and the hybrid turned a coal-furred ear, interest showing on her face. "Ever since I first saw the ocean, I've wanted to live on the water," the hybrid said, a fair amount of nostalgia showing in her scarred features. She was recalling the old beach and running up and down its length. This coast was a little different, but the same effect could be achieved by looping about the inlet, running along in the water. "Nothing quite like it," the ashen-furred coyote agreed, her own gaze drawn out to the choppy waves.

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