And I'll see you around...[aw]
The howl Angel delivered echoed across the fields, which at first derived nothing, but that is what normally happens, at least for a few seconds another howl was delivered, but this one wasn't of an inexperienced member of the pack. This was the howl of Ty Trenton Nasphrite, who although was not inexperienced or new to hunting, he was simply in the area, howling back to ask if she wanted his help. His howl, unlike hers, wasn't so airy and moving, though his howl left a mark. His howl was much stronger and seemed to simply power through the wind instead of drift across it, barreling to Angel's ears with an impressive, yet startling howl.

Ty was on the other side of the elk, with him waiting in the foliage on the ground, although the snow was beginning to lay across the land after a few snow storms, Ty was still able to be fairly good at concealing himself in the areas he could, hiding behind sticks that slightly matched his orange fur color. Although he was a wolf, it was strange how much Ty looked like a large dingo sometimes, as if he had been descended from them. It was known he wasn't, but the orange fur was simply confusing in this area.

After the howl,Ty waited in silence, but t was obvious the elk had hear the two wolves and were beginning to move about. The mothers were all gathering their children, while the stronger male elk had begun to move in close. Ty kept an eye on them, knowing if they moved into a formation too much, the wolves would not get a strike. However, elk weren't all that coordinated, and would attempt to split in schools when they could. Of course, that is when a wolf would pick a baby or a sickly elk to kill, after all, the easier meals are the meals to go for.

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