I don't know, but it's never been so clear.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... dreams.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


She almost went as far as to admire his reflexes, but that moment was fleeting at best – for he was unworthy of any kind of admiration and was nothing but a waste of space. A light flush caressed her delicate cheeks faintly as a touch of resistance was met when her blade found flesh and travelled up the golden wolf’s chest’s and danced all the way up to his shoulder. An eyebrow curved in quiet enquiry as an unmistakable giggle took a taste of the eccentrically tranquil air. Insanity came in a great variety and so she thought it was not worth the bother to ponder. The sword obediently fled from the wolf’s form as she drew back to find a new desired area to harm, but the male was already stepping away from her. It would be no problem to follow with ease as long as he chose to let his front face her. She followed with ease, though at a somewhat slower pace. She had all the time in the world, wasn’t that right? The rodent by her side followed eagerly – tempted by the delicate trace of freshly drawn blood – but the girl’s low hiss drove it back to their previous spot.

An unkind smile graced the faerie’s lips as the man turned, tossing evidence of his lack of seriousness over his shoulder before breaking into a run that the young Lykoi instantly recognized as mocking. Ears swivelled towards her skull in silent disapproval of his strange act. She stood her ground for a moment, pondering if she could be bothered to follow the worthless chunk of golden fur. She eventually decided that it could not hurt – it would be excise if nothing else. Her slender form started to follow the male, quickly increasing her pace until she matched his - then some more. Coyotes were small and agile. While she was larger than the latrans in her four legged forms, her luperci form had graced her with the size and form of a full blood coyote. She was quick. She could immediately feel the endorphins rush into her blood, assisting her. It was a pleasant sensation. The blade sang when the hybrid went for the yellow man’s flesh again - her aim significantly higher this time.


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