On the shores of strange lands
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... essban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Hey there. =D 672 words.

######Once again, Princess had been keeping to herself as of late; there did not seem to be anything interesting for her to do. She wanted to see Haven again, of course, but she was beginning to realize the possible complications of their relationship. . . Namely, the pack situation. She could never leave her brother again, and she did not think that Haven would leave his pack to return here. Truthfully, Princess was a little bit afraid that she was going to grow even more attached to Haven and that they could not find a way to be together, and she feared how much that would hurt. They had to find a way to be together, if their relationship kept growing and moving forward at the rate it was. Unfortunately, she just could not think of a way for this to happen, unless she convinced her brother to move to Haven's pack. That would never happen; Ares would not happily find a way for his sister to be with the one who had defowered her in a way he disapproved of, and she also could not expect him to leave Mati, knowing how her brother felt for the larger girl. Oh, it was troublesome, indeed.

######To go along with her seclusion and worries about her relationship with Haven, Princess was beginning to feel that urge again. No, not the urge that she had fulfilled with the Knight from the miracle pack. It was the same urge that had made her leave her brother when they were so much younger. Princess wanted to seek out Tokyo once more. She supposed what she wanted was to find out how her mother had been handling her absence, or if she had even noticed that her daughter was gone. Did she know the truth, or was she still living the lie that Princess had spun with Cercelee? Unless the Rosea had told her mother the truth, which she did not find likely at all, then she knew that her mother would still think she had been kicked out of the pack. If that was the case, why had her mother not come looking for her yet? She didn't want her mother to find her, she did not think, but she wanted her to try. Princess wanted to know that her mother still cared. Despite everything, she still had some form of absurd love for her mother, and still wanted her adoration, just to be away from her as well.

######The air was crisp, as it had been now for quite some time, the heavier aspects of winter approaching soon. Walking with her arms crossed beneath her chest, Princess' hair moved around her face heavily, annoying her, though it was something she could expect from walking on the beach. It was only as she got closer to the water did she notice the wolf in the waves thrashing about, and for a few moments, the girl stood there, staring in bewhilderment. What was she doing? Princess almost shook her head and walked away, but then it dawned on her that the wolf had not resurfaced the last time, and that maybe there was something wrong. Shrugging out of her dress, the girl half-folded it and put it on the sand, taking a moment to shift into her lupus form. She didn't know what she was going to do, she realized as she raced into the water, waves crashing against her legs, but she certainly wasn't going to let something bad happen if she had seen it begin. She was closer to where she had last seen the wolf go under now. "Are you okay?" she yelled into the water uselessly. Really, what else was she going to do? She lowered her face into the water, jaws open and ready to snap and pull at any skin beneath her teeth - preferrably, the back of the neck - to drag the wolf out of the water if she could manage to. She had to try to do something, didn't she?

Table by Erin!

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