When it rains
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Every morning was met with a grimace as the young hybrid peered out to see that, no, the ground had yet to be covered with white. The young hybrid knew not exactly why it was so fucking important to have snow, she just knew it was. This Autumn had been wetter than her first year of living. Halo’s narrow muzzle was pressed against the glass to witness the fucking endless rain before she gave a disappointed snort that stained the glass with vapour and turned away. She resisted the urge to stomp down into the basement and rips some of her rarely used killer rodents apart. A cream coloured hand rose to her tattooed chest as she wondered where the senseless anger was coming from. She wanted stability to be a part of her. Hard, physical training had been good for her though. The sense of gaining control over her own life again was probably a mere illusion, but at least she was trying to do something about her issues. Kind of.

        Most people going through mind shattering tragedies remained broken. They slowly wasted away and suffered from the injuries they had received, both mental and physical. Halo had managed to go the other way. Of course, a few days had been spent in utter misery, locked inside her room, but she had not turned away from the world. Her mind suffered, but she did not let this affect her body. She ate, she trained, and she breathed. Most of all she wanted to curl into a ball in her closet, but the Lykoi woman refused to shatter like that. He had broken her and taken away her pride, but she would get it back no matter what. Every day she gained more confidence with the sword and every day it seemed to weight less in her hands. Her body – while it had always been lovely, was slowly changing as hard muscles approached. She could not afford to be weak any longer.

The Lykoi danced effortlessly down the stairs with one of her twin swords thumping against her back in its sheath. She wanted to learn the art of wielding both weapons simultaneously, but she was still fresh with weapons and knew that she would first have to master wielding one before two. The copper coated girl’s nose twitched in irritation as the scent of the freshly joined male infiltrated the air. It was clear that she no longer lived alone in the mansion. In the start she had actually loathed the loneliness within the large human building, but now she loathed the male’s presence. They had yet to run into each other – no, Halo did her best at avoiding any confrontation with the male. This was her house and he shouldn’t be here. The girl strode into the living room without knowing why. Hunting was useless in the rain and there was nothing to do.

She wanted to dance with her swords, but she couldn’t be bothered to do it outside. Halo turned around and rushed from room to room randomly, feeling the uncomfortable restlessness every seriously physically active creature would if they were not allowed to find a way to work their body.


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