Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
Wee-ooooo weeeeoooooooo. You guys can skip Hybrid unless Mason or Daisuke need him/ notice him! :O He can't do much, so I'll just post if you need? :3

Hybrid remained silent and static, watching the boy with an attentive eye. Mason approached the wolf, and from what Hybrid could make out, had warned him. Although Hybrid would have preferred to know exactly what was going on, he also knew that if he got too close, it would alter the situation completely. This was Mason's time; Hybrid would not interfere unless it was absolutely necessary.

He shifted slightly, flattening himself to the ground, hiding himself behind a tree. The Waste was a sparse, dry area, with little to offer in terms of shade. However, it also gave Hybrid a clear view of the wolf, which suited him quite well. Although Daisuke was just on the fringes of Inferni territory, Hybrid knew they had to maintain constant vigilance to ensure he did not wander in any farther. Sometimes Hybrid wondered what it would be like if wolves did respect their borders -- what would Inferni do then? Of course, such thoughts were only fleeting, as he knew the wolves would never respect them or their borders out of spite. Oh, how Hybrid loathed them.

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