Though the darkness breaks the light...

no worries :]

If Mati had her way, every one she loved would live right beside her. She would make it so that she was never without family. Haven would be staying next to her room, and they would speak every day. She would knock on his door at night and they would share secrets like they had when they were pups. But, such a thing would never happen. And she found that she was without company so often. Solitude was becoming normalcy, and she fated that reality.

The male retracted his statement, and the brown wolfess looked at him with curious eyes as he did so. Her eyes were no longer narrowed with defensiveness but she looked away momentarily to take in his words and more importantly his sorrowful tone. Maybe she had been too harsh. The male didn’t know Haven at all. Mati also needed to remember that she was on his land not her own. If they were in Dreaming lands, Mati would have certainly expelled the colorful man at hearing his tone. But she was so very far from home. “Its okay.” She promised, smiling falsely as if she had very quickly moved on.

She looked slightly surprised that he wanted to help her with her problems, and taken so aback that she ignored his question and hastily answered when he asked about her pack. “Well.” the Earthen toned woman spoke quickly, “both my brothers moved away, Salem far far away and thankfully Haven settled here. Our mothers were leaders of Crimson Dreams, until one left…” the violet eyes fey paused considering the weight of what she was to admit, “because she was an addict. I’m the closest with Haven, we understand each other.” She ended with a soft yet sincere smile. Se would rather share her history then what was happening right now.

“You have no family here?” The Church woman assumed he was alone, having just arrived.



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