A Little Too Tough
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Sorry for lateness, it's around finals time. x_o

Although the pack had been quiet and independent as of late, Jefferson had not been blessed with a similar mildness. As always, the cyclops was constantly plagued with what-ifs and where-ares -- tormented with an unyielding number of questions that he could not answer. The conflict and tension with Inferni the pack had endured a few months back as well as the attack on Xeris and likewise kept the cyclops uneasy and more aware of the surrounding areas, and yet Jefferson had hardly made the effort to check in with the other packs. He'd had good reason not to for some, but no reason he hadn't for others. Inferni was self-explanatory. He knew no souls from Cour des Miracles, but had gotten in touch with Ember as of late and was pleased to know that AniWaya was still his pack's friendly ally. At that time, that was all Phoenix Valley had -- Dahlia was home to two of his half-siblings, one of which bloodthirsty and the other racist. He sighed, wishing the tension his siblings created for him didn't ward the one-eyed idiot from visiting Cercelee.

But what of Crimson Dreams? He'd visited once or twice; he and Kansas were particularly fond of each other, while Jefferson knew very little of Savina and thus had little interest in her. Both Naniko and Geneva had sought refuge from Crimson Dreams by moving to Phoenix Valley -- perhaps Jefferson should have been more inquisitive as to why, but he'd never tried to pry.

It was just beyond his pack borders that the cyclops conveniently met his half-sister. Ever since, the cyclops had been slightly more interested in wandering the short distance away as if he would be lucky to happen upon her again, although Mew probably wanted nothing to do with him anymore. His nose to the air told him that Mew was not the one he had vaguely detected and began to seek; no, there was a Crimson Dreams member about. That pack had very little -- if anything -- to with Phoenix Valley. What would they need around his land?

"You're a little far from home," the cyclops said upon finding the black-furred stranger. Crimson Dreams wasn't just around the corner -- it was quite a distance away. The Patriarch stood straight, tipping his nose just slightly with a less-than-enthused presence on his face. "Are you lost?"


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