green eyes don't lie
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“Sure,” Snake agreed easily enough. He could probably show Daisuke pretty easily how to gather firewood and dig a proper place to keep the fire, and how to surround it with stones so you didn’t go about burning the forest down—though it rained so often that he doubted it would catch so badly as that. Still, that was no reason to palliate the dangers of fire; Snake was always very careful when tending to his. “It’s all about getting the fire started and keeping it contained. Both are pretty easy. If you have dry firewood and a match, you can get a fire started no problem. Usually it’s safest, though, to keep it in a pit surrounded by rocks… otherwise it may decide to run from you and set everything aflame.” Snake had never seen a wildfire before, but he knew that they were very dangerous.

At Daisuke telling him that he had brought two bottles along, Snake smiled slightly. “Lucky,” he commented, reaching out and accepting the bottle of vodka from the wolf. “Yeah, we’ll go back to the city later and get some more. There’s loads of the stuff there—bunch of drunks.” Another smile flickered on his features before disappearing once more, much like the sparks that the fire sent spiraling into the sky on eddies of smoke. He popped the seal on the liquor with his knife and, after stowing the blade away and taking a swig, he looked to the two-toned cat as Daisuke explained his naming of it while it clambered into the golden wolf’s lap. “Sounds good,” he answered. If he had kept a cat, he’d probably just call it Cat. Snake was not very sentimental, especially not towards “dumb” (as in, non-speaking) animals and objects. He wouldn’t go as far as naming any of them.

Judging that his fish was pretty much done, he retrieved it from the fire and blew on it gently, so he wouldn’t scorch himself on the first bite. After it cooled down and after a few more drinks from the bottle of vodka, he took a bite. It was great, and it reminded him greatly of life months past with his parents. He wondered if they had remembered his birthday yesterday… and then that thought made Snake feel awkward. Sometimes he wished they wouldn’t think of him at all—he would hate to cause them any worry. He hated to cause anyone trouble, generally. “The fish is good,” he announced, taking another drink. “The vodka is too.” Then he sank into silence.

Sometimes he did get drawn into thinking about his future. He enjoyed life in ‘Souls, but mostly he feared that was because it was better than life would be in the winter anywhere else. When spring and summer arrived and everything thawed and grew sunny once more, what would he do then? Would he maybe get the thoughts of traveling engrained in his head, or would he remain here in Inferni? Though his loyalty was questionable, he liked most of whom he had met here. Things would just have to occur as they did, he thought. He took another bite from the fish pensively.


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