goodbye Horses, i'm flying over you.

thanks, lovely killi is lovely!!

Though Anu always wanted to be truthful, it was hard to tell him that his mate was not happy. Anu wanted and wished to make her friend joyous and help her return to her normal self so badly. She couldn’t imagine how dire that need was for Savina’s mate. This was nothing that Savina had brought upon herself, and such pain was even worse then the retribution that could be delivered in conjunction to a poor decision. That was controllable. No one other then the beasts themselves could decide the fates of the wolves Savina loved. His reaction was expected, and the woman did not understand why she had wanted to know what his face would become when she told him. Blue eyes looked away, selfishness setting in as he spoke.

A piece of the Lieutenant General wanted to laugh at the question, a small hushed ounce. What were they all to do? There was nothing! Not a single thing that they could do to change the circumstances that they were simply victim to. It was a capsized dinghy that they clung to, propelled wildly by waves of a storming ocean. But, the silver tinted wolfess only shook her head softly, voicelessly announcing her defeat. Couldn’t she just revel in the pain that was felt so deeply among them all? Couldn’t she just fall to pieces for a mere second? No. With the knowledge that there was so little that was in their control Anu restlessly picked at the dieing grass that they sat among.
“Only,” She began,
“remind her that she has family that loves her. Ones that would never leave her.” The Commander was allowed a moment of weakness, allow to cry and feel defeat, and Anu would always protect her while she repaired.


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