Running up that hill
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ooc: Hello! Sorry this took so long :3

The wind was soft against her cheek, but the sleeting rain brought little comfort. It chilled upon cream fur, created little icy crystals on her long, dark eyelashes. The old oil-skinned hood that the woman wore drew tightly about slender shoulders, covered the beautiful features of her face in shadow, but for the piercing green eyes and protruding pink nose.

She watched the house warily, as if it would suddenly awaken from it's silent slumber and snarl at her presence. Her insides were all jittery, and so Alaine clutched just a little tighter at the healer's pouch she had brought with her, clawed fingers needling it's tough leather exterior.

The smell of Leroy was everywhere. A little overwhelmed, the young beauty second-guessed her decision to come here... But it had been mentioned by folks passing through the Chien Hotel that the handsome male inside had wounded his eye, and probably knew little on how to tend it carefully. Some sort of responsibility had gripped her then - Leroy had been the one to let her and her then-ill son, Caillen, stay in the pack. Whether the young mother wanted to acknowledge it or not, she owed the handsome brute their lives - The coming winter was already brutal and bitter, and they would not have survived it alone.

Reluctantly, the slender feo walked up the stairs at the front of the house, and knocked gingerly on the wooden door. Wishing she'd worn something less revealing than the red cloak and the short summer-green dress, the lady called out softly.

" Leroy? It's Alaine. Are you there?"

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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