dollar signs on every sin.
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@&#&$"Hah! I'll be catatonic the day I try to get through all this myself," he said with a grin. He found that the frequency of his habit increased as he found more and more company willing to partake, but left on his own he scarcely went through two ounces in an entire year. He was quite possibly too busy to get away with much more than that. Needless to say, just a couple plants could yield enough for his personal consumption... and thanks to Maserati's efforts, there had been at least a couple hundred. In his mind, it was as much a service as a business. As far as he knew, most folks brought in small personal stashes from elsewhere. He intended to be the region's primary distributor, and he figured once word got out and his clientèle expanded along with his selection he'd be able to acquire just about whatever he wanted: rare artefacts, splendid tools, juicy information... maybe just friendly company.
@&#&$The hybrid finished packing the bowl and was about to hand it to Jantus when he frowned, dumped it out, and decided to start over. Here instead he selected a much bigger piece--it had finally struck him that the smaller bowl might be awkward in the giant's hands. Filling it appropriately, he offered it up again, along with his favourite bright orange lighter. It was getting lighter and the supply of fuel within it was dwindling by the day, but at least half a dozen more were scattered throughout the garage and his den in Inferni. Beyond that, he knew where to find more: old service stations were a goldmine for such things. "Well, hopefully this didn't fuck up your trip too much, eh? Where you headed from, at any rate?" he wondered casually; people usually liked to talk about themselves and where they were from and it was fairly standard fodder for conversation. Anselm was always intrigued to learn of foreigners, though Jantus had no strong accent to suggest he was from overseas... a journey he usually associated with lengthy duration.

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