Grave of the Sunflowers
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OOC: <3 thanks for starting!

The male had been enjoying the snow. Bouncing in and out of it in his lupus form. He decided that he needed to have some fun, and with his kitten too, because he just couldn't be found without little Schwarz following right behind him. The kitten was having more of a hard time plowing through the snow though, because he was tiny and Daisuke, obviously was not so tiny, even in his lupus form. Though the snow was only plentiful in some places, the sunflower field, not so much. Though, the flowers were nothing but wilted bulbs and stalks. He looked along the field before he decided to go back and get his feline. He grabbed the feline like it's own mother would, by his scruff, and then he placed the feline on his back before he took off at full speed into the field of wilted sunflowers. The golden male giggled at he ran through the vast amount of space. The male had continued to run until his eyes found the form of another in a distance. His pierced audits pricked forwards towards the other, wondering whom exactly this was in the meadow, enjoying the snow like he. Maybe it could be a new friend!

The male wagged his long tail before he stopped all movement and concentrated on his optime form. He was getting better, this was a fact, but it still would take him a minute to just stop and clear his mind completely before he was even able to think about transforming. He did so though, his paws becoming hands and feet, his spine elongating, and becoming upright, while his legs grew longer than his arms, and his entire body shifted completely. Once he had finished, the feline climbed from his back to his shoulders, and the male stood up and started to walk towards the other male until he realized that the male was getting farther and farther away. That's when he decided to take off again, instead of his four feet rotating to make him run, he was using only his two (he found that running on his fours was awkward in optime) legs.

”HEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!” the male called out at the top of his lungs, trying to get the attention of the rather pretty looking male that he had seen. He waved his hand in the air, as if greeting the male, or perhaps waving to get his attention. Daisuke was quickly coming upon the male, and this was when the scent finally settled within his nares. He was a frenchy. Cour Des Miracles. Daisuke's tail wagged lightly as he approached the other and smiled to the male in a friendly greeting. ”Hello! I'm Daisuke, this is Schwarz.” he was sure to introduce the feline as well, since he remembered that Jazper was interested in the name of the feline as well. ”You sure have some pretty hair, mister. Oo, you're eyes are pretty too!” the male compliment, his tail wagging gently as he looked at the male, trying to find some more things that he could compliment on the male.


mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne
Image by Tao

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