Grave of the Sunflowers

OOC: <3

It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial

H-hi the male seemed to nervously speak to Daisuke. Well, he couldn't tell if the male as nervous or if the male was just cold. Hi, sorry, I'm Strel. the male then corrected his speech, sounding a lot more confident than he did just a few seconds before. Daisuke's tail wagged gently behind him. and his head nodded lightly as he put the name in his mind. He didn't know if Strel was short for anything, but he guessed that he would have to just call him "Strel" for the amount of time that the two knew each other. Cute kitty, where'd ya get her? the other male spoke to him. Daisuke cocked his head. "Her"? Daisuke then shook his head. No, no, no, no, Schwarz isn't a girl! He's a boy! the boy spoke cutely to the other. He put a hand on his hip before he stuck his pierced tongue out at the other for a moment. He then winked and chuckled before the other went on to speak once more. Ah..thanks...I like your piercings. Who did them? the other male spoke to him. Daisuke let his tail wag freely behind him.

My lady friend, Hanna did them for me! She also did my tattoo! the male spoke, as he quick turned on his heels and showed the male the big mechanical wings that were tattooed onto his back. He put his hands on his hips, and crossed them in the front and he looked back as well as he could in this position. Didn't she do the most awesomest job on them?! he asked, that bright and friendly smile never disappearing off of his golden maw. What are you doin' out here? the male then asked. Daisuke turned back around swiftly and faced the other male. The world is my playground, I do, and go wherever I wants. Schwarzy here and I wanted to get out of the den, and play in the snow, since you know, it's too cold to swim anymore... he spoke, confessing to him liking to swim. He sighed at the fact that he could really swim anymore, but then he let the smile appear on his maw once again. What're you doing out here, mister Strelly-poo? You smell of Cour Des Miracles, so what brings you outs of the packlands? the male asked innocently to the male, his head cutely cocking to the right as he awaited an answer.

Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me!


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