3:10 to Yuma
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... e_base.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:130px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#EFEEEC">

» yeeeeeah, sorry. -flakes with answering PMs as with Emails sometimes.- by the time I thought to reply I figured i'd just put this up xD; and, um. i don't know. oo;; it doesn't really bother me either way, though maybe the PV person would want it moved so it doesn't "seem" like their char is in Inferni or something?

      The scent of blood was thick to the point that he did not scent the younger coyote at all. Instead, the faint crackle of fallen leaves stirring and scratching against the earth caused him to pause in his feast with a soft snort. It was not a sound of anger so so much as a gesture made to clear the blood from his nose, and here he turned his head slowly to regard the member who'd stopped at a very respectful distance away. The boy's scent was a familiar one within the clan, although he was surprised that his face fired up old memories he couldn't quite place as well. They'd never met before, obviously, but Anselm couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity.

      Regardless, it seemed the universe had given him some sort of solution to his dilemma: the deer's remains would not go to waste because, undoubtedly, this guy could help him eat it. "What's the news?" he called somewhat cryptically, though his black-tipped fur had settled comfortably against his body once more. Information, he knew, was as valuable a resource as anything--and whoever he was, he might have been in the clan long enough to know something. With a nod he stepped to the side of the carcass--he wasn't surrendering the kill, obviously, but it was an invitation to share.

      The weight in his stomach was growing more evident and he decided he was mostly full anyway... especially since he intended to be on the move shortly. Perhaps if he had all day to lounge about and digest he'd indulge further, but for now his level of consumption seemed appropriate for his form and general size. He took a good hard yank at the limb he'd been working on, deciding he could clean it off and get to the marrow in the smaller bones as a final treat.

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