Running up that hill
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ooc: :]

For a good long moment, she thought that the husky-hued brute inside wasn't going to answer. The wind was really quite cold, and by the time he finally opened the door Alaine was shivering pathetically, trying to keep herself warm by wrapping her arms loosely about her slender waist. For a second, there was the familiar surge of fear - Leroy was still very, very tall, very broad of shoulder and well-muscled. She had an uncomfortable flash-back to when she had first seen the black and ivory male, with his coppery-red eyes filled with anger and pity as he watched the near famished mother try to steal a calf for her sick son.

But, in spite of that, those ruby-red eyes surveyed her calmly, but for the one that was scabbed over with blood. There was no anger in them now, and she relaxed slightly, letting her fingers loosen their death-grip on the leather satchel and it's healing contents.

" Yes, that's right. I came to..." For a moment, her teeth chattered against the cold, shimmering beads of rain dripping down auburn curls, " To offer my assistance. A few pack members have mentioned that your eye was wounded, and I thought..."

She hesitated again, a nervous little doe with wide green eyes that watched him warily, waiting for any displays of aggression. It was obvious that Alaine still had no trust in any adult wolves, let alone this one... Perhaps especially this one. She couldn't forget how agitated he had been with their first confrontation. Clearing her throat, the slender beauty showed the handsome male her little pouch of healing ingredients, herbs and laced poultices and suchlike that she'd been gathering since her stay in the Chien Hotel.

" Well, I thought I'd dress your eye properly. It would be dangerous to get an infection that close to the sclera. You could end up losing the vision in that eye."

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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