These ordinary sins
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It was not long ago that Gabriel had revealed Haku’s surname and confirmed that both Halo and the Lilium of Dahlia de Mai had the same blood running through their veins. She had not been particularly disgusted or excited about that thought. The young hybrid knew that her only family currently lived here in Inferni. She had fully rejected her birth name, plus everything and everyone connected to it. She had erased them all from her heart, even the ivory wolfen mother that only had wanted to love her. Vitium’s cruel lessons still lived on through his daughter. Colibri Soul had been a pathetic bitch and their father had saved them from eternal damnation by shaking some sense into them. The girl knew that she would most likely kill her father if he ever returned, but that did not mean that she was not grateful for what he had taught her – well, the part of what he had thought her that was not a lie, that was.

She saw the amount of fill the woman in front of her. Now she regretted pleading, because she realized that she was forcing Kaena back to whenever something horrible had happened to her. It was not generally heavy thoughts? The young woman had underestimated the dark secret that Kaena had been holding on to, she could see that too clearly as pain poured into her beloved grandmother. Still, an ear perked as the older woman leaned in and whispered those horrible words. Kaena’s body locked down, shook and suffered. Halo felt trapped inside her body; unable to move over in an attempt to soothe the other Lykoi. This had happened once before and that was as she had watched Samael rip Charon apart – before her devilish uncle had come after her.

She wished Kaena had never told her. Her own Samael demon leapt up at her and clawed her in the face – replaying the horrific scenes where he had forever ruined Halo’s innocence in multiple ways. Although her body had experienced pleasure, her psyche had been severely damaged. Then, Halo’s body obeyed her again, and she quickly lifted her hands to disguise her own face, heavy tears already streaming down her light cream face. She could feel her own body tremble, but it was lighter than Kaena’s overloaded body. The young hybrid wanted to scream out in agony. Although she too suffered from the same type of damage, she imagined so much worse for Kaena. In truth Samael had been gentle once he had bended her after his will, but the scenes of Kaena and an unknown wolf flashing behind her closed eyelids screamed only of violence and despair.

Halo wanted to reach out and draw out the woman’s pain, but she was unable to mentally outrun the awful images dashing through her mind. Her own renewed misery crippled her. She felt a sob force its way out into the cool air in Kaena’s cave. How could he.. Kaena had ripped the healing wound open again. How could they! She dimly felt knees hit the hard stone floor as her feet gave in, and she wrapped her arms around Kaena’s right leg, unable to find the strength to drag herself up from her current position on the floor. "No.." Forehead was pressed against her grandmother’s knee and she wept for them both.


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