Rainy day women #12&35
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
My word count for this post is exactly 420, lawls XD

Her face soured a little at her friend's next words, but only because she knew them to be true. She just didn't like thinking of her brother giving in so readily to such urges for someone she didn't even think he loved. Maybe he loved the D'Angelo woman in a way, but not in a true way. Not in the way that she loved Kansas and he loved her. "I know he wasn't trying to hurt me it's just...ugh," she snorted in exasperation. "He should have known better. Our father abandoned us because he and our mother weren't mates when she got pregnant. He knows firsthand, just like I do, what can happen with unplanned pups." Maybe her views about sex were a bit old fashioned, but she had good reasons for thinking the way she did. She knew what it was like to be unwanted by a parent and never had wanted her own children, or any children, to have to go through that as well. "I'm more than willing to put the past behind us for the sake of the pups, but I don't know if she is. I think she'd be perfectly content if I weren't a part of their lives at all." Savina would never like the female again, but she could put aside their differences when it came down to kids. She wasn't holding her breath though on expecting the other to do the same.

Savina followed Anselm into his building and the scent that struck her was interesting and she had no clue what it was. It was unpleasant, just different. Though his questions about her sister made her forget her own for the moment. "I see. Aro Marino and Sophia Knight. That'd be wonderful! You still have to meet my kids too, you know," she teased. Though she didn't know if she would be able to call them kids for much longer. They had grown up so fast, faster than she had thought possible. She had watched pups grow up before, but with your own it seemed to move at an even faster pace.

As he plopped down onto the couch she looked around curiously for a moment before walking over to sit next to him, though of course allowing an appropriate amount of distance between them. "Very generous of you," she said to him, smiling. "What's the smell in here? I've never smelled anything quite like it before." Since it was so prominent she figured that he must know what it was.


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