Running up that hill
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ooc: Thanks! She thinks Leroy's very handsome, but scary XD I think he's a hunk XP

After her little speech, whatever confidence the young beauty had stored up for this meeting seemed to slip away. She fidgeted nervously under the gaze of those ruby eyes, her own wild emerald peering up at him from beneath thick lashes. Still no aggression, but it was clear that Leroy was thinking about something carefully. Finally, he stepped back from the doorway and made a gesture to welcome her inside, into the warmth.

" T-t-thank you, Leroy."

Her teeth still chattering from the cold, it was all the exotic mother could do not to sigh openly at the warmth that caressed her pelt from the inside of the house. Enjoying the little moment of bliss as the door shut with a soft click behind her, Alaine almost didn't notice the pups asleep in the corner. Leroy was already moving through the house, but her attention was clearly stolen by the little bundles of fur, emerald eyes wide and soft. The pups reminded her of her own son, and... Wait a minute, hadn't she met these pups before?

Ayita... These were Ayita's pups. She'd tended to one of the she-wolf's wounds, and had met them. No wonder those adorable little faces registered in her mind! With feline curiosity, Alaine turned to pad softly into the living-room after Leroy, her jade eyes watching him intently. Imagine that, the ferocious Leroy, a loving father! Momentarily, the she-dog seemed to forget that she was afraid of him; When Leroy turned to look at her, the meek beauty smiled softly, her eyes sparkling at him almost merrily in the soft light.

" I didn't know you had children... They are very beautiful. You must be proud."

Her soft, melodic voice was soothing almost. But when her eyes notices the muscles in the husky's back and chest, she seemed to freeze up again, that fear returning to linger in her bewitching eyes. Leroy was handsome, undeniably, but her past forbid her from appreciating any of those physical attributes. There was clearly some sort of darkness in her past, something that haunted the young beauty to this day. Clearing her throat, she stepped forward, took off the wet hood and folded it neatly over a chair. Putting the small pouch down, she gestured for Leroy to take a seat on a nearby chair, before smoothing down her thin green dress and tucking the stray curls of fiery auburn behind her floppy ears.

" If you'll just take a seat, I'll see what I can do."

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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