Wasted Grace

Table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby!

OOC// Sorry for the wait! <3


" No, not at all! Please, sit down."

Trying to sound amiable, Alaine smiled prettily at the older woman. Ayita was very beautiful, with all her long dark hair. Absently toying with one of her own coppery-auburn curls, the young mother thought wistfully of having just long and thick hair. But when Ayita grimaced as she sat down, Alaine immediately chastised herself for taking so long. She should be healing this poor woman, not thinking about how pretty her hair was!

She crouched down, and began to absently poke about Ayita's cut, trying to be as gently as possible. It was necessary, to see how bad the infection was, and how much bruising had already taken place. While she examined the wound, Alaine spoke cheerfully in reply to Ayita's question, trying to distract the older woman from any pain.

" T'was my son, actually... We traveled here from a pretty far way, and were in bad shape. His illness was worse than it is now, and I... I was rather banged up," Her expression remained masked, not allowing any of the horrors in her memories to slip forth. She'd never told anyone the truth about why she'd come here, and didn't know Ayita well enough to trust her with it, either, " I tried to steal a calf, down near Chien Hotel. A big black and white brute found me, and I thought he was going to hurt us... But we got accepted into the pack, because I told him about my healing skills."

From what she'd heard, the Cour des Miracles pack had had a healer sort once before... But whomever she was, she was gone now. Nobody cared to tell Alaine about this 'Svara', and Alaine wasn't curious enough to ask. Quickly rising, she dashed back into the hotel, and came back out with her little healer's pouch. Smiling gingerly at Ayita, she pulled from it a hand-carved needle and some thin twine.

" This is going to hurt a bit... But I need to give it some stitches before I can cleanse it properly. Is that alright?"

Speak think walk!


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