turning us into monsters.

Durfdurf, I forget it was supposed to be a girly. XD I are DUMBSIE, I say, DUMBSIE! And I figured it was okay to say Hybrid was moving up a bit, I dunno what he's gonna do here but I would assume he'd come over to drink blood or nom her, something wonderfully devilish. ;D If it's not okay you PM me please?! <3

The silver-furred woman had not hunted with Hybrid in this fashion before. It was more intimate than with the whole of Inferni surging together to converge on that lone wolf—they were out in the deep wild now, and they were dependent on each other. The wolf was bigger than Hybrid and younger than Kaena, but together, she was as good as hamburger meat dripping on a kitchen counter or a cow heading down the chute to slaughter. As the coyote split off after their brief words she stole glances at the wolf, pausing as she headed down her side of the incline to steal glances at the other canine. The silvery woman almost imagined she could see the other canine's organs, smell the blood coursing just beneath the skin of her body, taste that blood flowing over her tongue as she bit down on the other creature's throat, shaking her head back and forth violently to tear it from its proper place and release the flood of life's blood from the other canine's neck.

These thoughts goaded her and she began clearing her head, thinking of only spilling blood, that dark thing inside of her beginning to snarl and pace at the edges of his cage, eyes blazing. She did not know what to call him. Bloodthirstiness? Rage? Aggression? Nothing fit him perfectly and so he remained unnamed, a carefully contained, locked-up shadow that Kaena built up day after day, carefully encapsulating him to remain sane and balanced in her position and duty. It would not do to unleash him at the wrong moment, for he was blind and he did not care who he killed. Anyone might fall victim to him, and the coyote woman hardly wished that on anyone she cared about. The incline leveled out and the coyote found herself on virtually even ground witht he wolf.

As the hybrid crept to her chosen spot, half-crouching behind a dense pocket of underbrush, she lifted her ears and strained to hear anything that was going on, her single sharp eye directed outward toward the wolf, taking care to keep herself absolutely hidden before the proper time. It would do no good to be spied now and have Hybrid come around behind; it would ruin her element of surprise entirely. The coyote waited, holding a breath as she listened to the rain drumming against the ground, the endless patter of droplets splashing against the trees, the ground, everything. She fidgeted slightly, adjusting her position and waiting, watching. A sort of electricity began to surge through her, tingling down from between her ears to the tip of her muzzle, buzzing down her legs and tingling to the very tip of her tail, filling her body up and readying her for the perfect moment, the instant where she could strike like a venomous snake.

Adrenaline sang in her veins and made her heart beat faster, a steady and constant drumming in her chest that seemed to sweep over her head, emptying it of all useless thought and focusing her down to the very basics—instinct, reaction, aggression. Her fangs bared in a soundless snarl, leathery lips drawn back taut against yellowy fangs. Her tongue ran out over them, old things and almost dulled with age, but still deadly, still quite capable and useful for her purposes. Her claws were still razor sharp in her Optime form, anyway, and if she ever became a toothless old bat there was always that. Beyond that, there were knives, swords, clubs, any number of blunt or sharp objects to poke or beat an opponent with. Her snarl twisted into a grin at this, and she crouched down, ready to explode when triggered as she heard the distant sounds of voices through the rain. The silvery hybrid could not understand the words, but she did not need to—the unmistakable sound of an approach alerted her to the wolf's presence drawing near to her position.

Wait, wait, wait. The hybrid practically trembled with excitement, fire blazing in her single golden eye. The wolf was visible to Kaena now, crouched low and hidden behind the underbrush. As the wolf passed just by Kaena, the hybrid's scent filled the wolf's nose and vice versa, and there was a moment of confusion and surprise as the hybrid realized this was a female and the wolf recognized the scent of another canine present, fear showing in her eye. The ashen-furred hybrid exploded like a bullet from that spot, springing full-force on the wolf, using her chest as a battering ram to slam the other canine in the shoulder, connecting squarely and sending the other canine flying. Kaena was on her after that, her fangs drawing red tracks through the other canine's shoulder, slicing through the flesh and sending a spray of flesh across the scarred woman's visage. No longer was Kaena silent; her voice crackled like thunder, booming out over the sound of the rain, accompanied by the yowl of the other canine as fear and pain shot through her shoulder.

The coyote fell back for a moment, circling around to the front of the wolf, her yellowed fangs displayed prominently against her ash-and-cream colored face, the scars across it twisting the expression to terrifying proportions. Somewhere behind the wolf she was aware of Hybrid, moving now, closing in on the pair of canines. It seemed to catch the other canine's attention; perhaps she was still under the guise that Hybrid was here to assist her, failing to recognize the traits of mixed blood present in him. She shot a glance back behind her and in that second the coyote sprang, cracking her sharp fang against the side of the other canine's head, a blow that seemed to stun and daze her. She took a step backwards, shaking her head, her eyes glazing slightly. The coyote drew closer again, and in a desperate effort the wolf swung her head, her fang tearing through the flesh on the hybrid's cheek, and inch behind the ancient wound next to her eye. The hybrid recoiled, her russet muzzle twisting into a deeper, nastier snarl as she froze, her growl throwing a severe verbal threat to the other wolf for spilling Kae's blood.

thanks to james for the header image
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