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©table code and image to jacoby.

OOC: <333

His lips felt numb as the gusts of cold wind continued. He wasn’t sure if it was just this season or what, but his poor toes were freezin’. Shaking his head, he pulled out a red scarf that he recently found. Wrapping it around his neck, he also dug out his cigarette pack and matches. It took a few tries – no thanks to the wind – before he lit the bloody thing. The shoreline was up ahead and he’d taken his time changing into his Optime form just for a small smoke. But, whatever… it’d be a pain in the ass just to change back. Shifting his weight around, he glanced towards the shore ahead of him. It didn’t take him long before he spotted another figure. They were in their Optime form as well, but it was a female. He glanced down at his pants just to make sure they were actually on. The guy hadn’t gotten use to changing around with his clothes either. At his homeland, they would careless if you were nude. Though, most of the guys got pissed if their mate was walking around flashing everyone. Then it was always a challenge when it came to the males with ‘who had the biggest?’ He snickered under his breath as he blew out a smoke ring. “What memories…” Jack spoke to himself as his self-snickering started to quiet down.

He took his time walking down, but he made his way towards the soft-sanded shore. The waves crashed to one side as he walked along towards the lady in front of him. It wouldn’t do any harm chatting with her… now, would it? Raising his eyebrow, he smirked lightly at his own thoughts. Ah, maybe he should act like a cool asshole, but that would always annoy his former lady. So, Frost just turned that smirk into a friendly smile as he caught up with the lady. She was quite a beauty white and almost a bit golden tinted fur. Relaxing a bit, he didn’t say a word for a moment. Then he remembered the cigarette that was hanging between his lips. He glanced towards the female with a look of apology in hope she didn’t mind the smoke. “Um… hope ya don’t mind or anything,” he spoke softly while nodding his head towards the cigarette. “Oh! And I have some if you want one…?” Taking in a gulp, he noticed that she really didn’t have at all too much on. His fingers wrapped around his red scarf and he pulled it off his neck. “Here… and I’m Jack… Jack Frost!” A smile lit his face as he introduced himself. Hopefully, the female wouldn’t mind his company too much.

speak think walk


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