love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden
Woo, semester's over! Kinda rushed, though, sorry! wc: 405

There was that twinge of guilt fluttering within him again. This whole ordeal had been unimaginably tough on him, that could not be denied. But he wasn’t the only one being affected by this situation, and Ehno could only feel selfish thinking about his own pain. It was clear to him now just how much this had hurt his sister. He knew her well and because of this he knew it would worry her greatly. Yet seeing her like this now only emphasized the sorrow he knew she had faced. Savina found the words to explain that there was something more that had plagued her in his absence, and Ehno began to fear what that could be.

He held her hand gently, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. He listened carefully as she began to explain the situation their family had faced. Amber eyes widened in shock and a potent swirl of emotions stirred up within his chest. He could only imagine how tough it must have been for them. Ghita must have been deathly afraid of loosing that litter as well, and Savina would have been plagued with such worry for his sibling. He could see now why his onyx-hued sibling would have run herself ragged in his months away, with all of this weighing down on her. Ehno felt that guilt envelope him again. He should have been there for them. It was his job to protect his sisters, and he had not been here to do that. It felt like he had failed them. But what was he to do? He had a budding family of his own to protect now. It was impossible for him to be in two places at once, but this was the decision that he chose.

He closed his eyes in frustration, trying to gather his rapidly racing thoughts. "Non posso immaginare come duro questo deve essere stato su lei entrambi…" he began, slowly opening his eyes to look at her once more. "Sono così contento che sono bello, nonostante." It was quite a relief to hear that Ghita did not have to face the loss of another litter. "Somiglia alla nostra famiglia è anche più grande di ho pensato," he said with a slight laugh, making an attempt to lighten the somber atmosphere. Then another thought came to him. Ghita could not have gotten pregnant on her own. "Chi è il padre?"

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