Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'
Sorry for the delay D: ♥ Your avatar is pretty :o


Gotham watched the rain fall from the sky as he listened to his mother, her voice rising above the splatter of the rain as it struck the leaves that surrounded them. The boy rather liked the sound of this Jupiter guy, partly because he was nice and gave the Romans rain when they needed it, but mostly because he controlled big powerful things like the lightning. Lightning was really scary and, well, big! How did one guy, god or not, control it? Perhaps to him it was like thread, strung between the earth and the sky, and he played it like Jazper played his guitar. And then, instead of sound, light came out! That was a really fascinating idea, but Gotham was not totally convinced. He liked music and he liked lightning, but he was rather unsure what a god was and he was incapable of thinking of any creature that was bigger and stronger and, especially, smarter than himself or any other wolf he had met.


When Savina asked him what his own opinion was, he furrowed his brows and stared at the rain intently, as if it would give up its secrets. The youngster knew that the rain, at least most of it, ended up in the ocean, and he knew that the ocean was a really big place. There were probably monsters in there, too. These thoughts came together, and, turning his blue eyes back to his mother's green ones, he replied excitedly, "Maybe there is a monster that lives in the water, and it drinks a lot of it, and then it flies up to the sky and when it's up there it... spits it all out because it's too heavy. Or something like that!" He grinned widely, the mystery of it all being part of the fun. Perhaps his mother had something to add to his story.


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