Barely Breathing
OOC--Brennt is the one with the missing ear, correct? Leroy tore it off when Brennt was chewing on his shoulder?
Also, I'm hoping my writing is clear enough, but if you'd prefer we describe actions out of character as well, I can. 1) Brennt gets up, and counters Leroy's low stance with a higher one, grabbing the ruff of his neck and proceeding to use that hold to push him into the ground.
2) From there, Brennt positions himself so that he's standing on top of Leroy (with his legs planted in the ground around him preventing him from rolling to safety) and then starts attacking downward with his fangs.

It had worked. There were scratches and bloody trails on the predator's underside, and its ribs were sore where the other wolf had pushed and jumped on them, but battered though it was, its ploy had worked and it stood again. Its good ear was flat against its neck and bloodied fangs were bared white and red for its enemy to see. It had sustained great damage, but the damage was superficial. It smelled blood in the air and wanted to go in for the kill. The husky, who had his legs beneath him sooner, made the move first, however.

The predator's flank was exposed as the wolf ran in, but swinging its hips back its own jaws found home in the ruff of its enemy's neck. Snapping teeth and flying fur answered it, but it had taken the higher stance, which--because it had avoided a bite to the belly or throat--was now the advantageous position. Now it held Leroy awkwardly by the neck, and with its jaws shut on him and its body lined up perpendicular to his own, it could drive him down from the side to where it had wanted him all along.

Both males were strong, very strong, neither holding the edge over the other. What that meant was that it all came down to leverage, and from its current position, the feral wolf was not contested. It powered Leroy into the dirt from his side, pushing its weight onto his neck and forcing his bleeding jaws into the ground. The clouds were thicker now, solid, a strangely solidifying clay steaming with thick and humid miasma. Brennt stepped over the pinned wolf's body and released the hold. Its claws would not be used, it needed all four legs for stability: it had worked hard to bring its enemy here, beneath it, with itself standing on top. It would not easily lose this perfect position. Now its jaws snapped down, again and again, savaging the face and neck of its enemy. From here, it intended to unleash its fury until its opponent was dead of a hundred fang wounds. It could kill him here. If it did not, it intended to mutilate his body so badly he would never gain the upper hand again.

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