take only what you need from it

I'm really sorry about the wait!

His fingers went to the bandana around his throat, untying the knot that kept it held in place. Setting it on his lap, Silas folded the cloth so that it made one solid strip of fabric rather than the usual large square. Smiling to himself, he retied the bandana around his forehead, pushing back the strands of black hair that fell to frame his face. For some reason, the bandana had seemed suffocating around his neck today.

It didn’t seem much longer after Silas had tied the fabric that a voice broke the melancholy hums of their surroundings. Silas looked up to find a golden colored wolf staring back, and the Russian boy was immediately fixated on his eyes. Somehow they had both blue and gold in them and Silas found that it was almost hard to get himself to speak. All he wanted to do was stare in amazement. "Hi, mine name Silas Agata," he informed the Senex, smiling all the while. "I vondering eef you answer some questions?" He wished his English was slightly better. Silas knew he would be able to phrase his intentions better that way, but he supposed this would have to do. "I curious about this, Phoenix Valley."

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