In search of materials
ooc:Apologies about this being so late, I've had finals week, and that pretty much took all of my free time.

"Yeah, I can only expect that would happen," Ty commented about Dawali not ever running out of arrows. "what with them being shot into things and otherwise losing them...that must become a pain in the ass after a while isn't it?" He then chuckled slightly as he continued to watch the wolf look for arrows. He smiled in satisfaction when Dawali commented that he had found a good arrowhead, he seemed gratified that he was catching onto this. Ty listened when Dawali commented on how he could cut rocks but was too lazy, to which he could only give a light chortle. "But doesn't looking for the rocks take more time then simply cutting your own?" He asked as he sat down on a particularly large stone, his gold and blue eyes darting around looking for more arrow shaped rocks.

His eyes jolted back to Dawali when he heard him speak again, and made a slight gleam when he was offered the chance to learn to make arrows. His tail rose up and wagged as he grinned with a bit of curiosity and enthusiasm. "I...I'd love to learn." He responded quite gratefully. "If you have the time of course. I'm not going to make you go out of your way to teach me how to make an arrow. I've never actually got the chance to use one, and I've only seen them from afar."

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