This Is The Life On Mars

almost theeeeere!

If there had been any prior doubt that the sweet-smelling green nugget in front of the gas mask was weed, Cotl's face wiped it cleanly away. He was smiling, his face happy. Kansas did not know the man too well, but he was certain Cotl was not exactly the smiley type. His outrageous screams were still prominent in his speech, but his tone itself was much more upbeat, and he seemed to have more to say. Yeah, he was high.

He explained a few things to Kansas, first that he was not smoking a cigarette (obviously); then about the gas mask. The Sadira boy's eyes were wide in wonder and perhaps a bit of self-assurance that he was naive as hell. He'd no previous clue that the thing was a gas mask used in human wars, or that it could be used to smoke pot. The information was extremely thrilling to him. He knew that he was smiling stupidly as the hybrid handed him the mask, but Kansas took it in his hands staring at it thoughtfully. He was slightly hesitant for many reasons. Savina and he had promised one another that they wouldn't drink ever again. And, most outstandingly, was the memory of Naniko and her drugs, and how they'd fucked up his little girl, Cambria, for weeks. "I dunno, man..." he said quietly, almost to himself.

Was this any different?

Perhaps a little. It grew in the ground; it wasn't a chemical, per se. It was a plant. And it could only make him happy, right? Plus, he somehow trusted that the coyote wouldn't offer him anything truly harmful. It wasn't like they were snorting lines together. With another grin, Kansas looked up at the mounted mutt, and gingerly put the mask over his face. "Hold the bowl up, and I'll light it. Eh, please," he added. He'd used lighters before, to light candles. This was a very different situation, but he thought he could handle it. Kansas's heart was much aflutter, with a combination of anxiety and delicious excitement.


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