or buried beneath the stones
Pendzez looked to a tombstone that had a name of a human, his title, and his year of birth to death. Leaning down in front of the stone, the white wolf examined the stone. A formal tradition by the humans, which wolves have adopted. Pendzez had no hatred or anger to the cyclops, nor does he show jealousy, however he didn't want to have his family insulted, even if it's someone higher than him. Jefferson showed no belief in spirits and the force of light and dark, even no redemption of sin. in his voice. He chose to remain quiet.

Pendzez listened on as the Patriarch explained about his family. He lost most of his siblings, those who are alive he can't trust must be hard to have family like that. "Soul? One of them ain't Haku Soul?" The name was in his memory, so was the wolf.

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