A Fathers Touch

OOC: Pups are almost two months now Big Grin We could maybe wrap this up and bribe one of your pups into a more updated thread? Orrr we could wait till the rps pick them up Jan 3 and have a thead then?
WC: 300+

The knight simply nodded at the mention of Kansas knowing Lucifer. After all, they had both been around for a long time so there was no surprise there. Lucifer had always confused the young male. Sure, he was the closest thing to a father he had and he treated him like a son but sometimes things just seemed wrong. He now knew that Lucifer had a habit of sleeping around and drinking heavily and it hurt the giant to know that his own drinking caused him to sleep with Ghita, he still could not recall most of the night and that alone was enough for his ears to fall back and his smile to turn into a disgusted scowl. “You know, Lucifer had a habit of drinking a little to much and sleeping around on mum.” His scowl returned to a more neutral expression, “But he was a good dad. Taught me to hunt, taught me to take care of my family. We had our disagreements though.” Shaking his head slightly he hugged Sophia into his warm soft fur. He loved his children no matter if he deserved them or not.

A smile on the creamy males face brought the coal boy back into spirits as he remembered that this was meant to be a happy time for the two males. Jazper expected the usual answer, they were fine, however as Kansas' expression changed for a moment his own face darkened, was everything really okay? An eyebrow was raised as his golden eyes looked at his new brother questioningly but he didn't pressure him for more information as the Marino children where brought up. “Of course! I'm sure Aro and Sophia could use some younger interaction.” I the past few days the pups had only been introduced to the older generation of Crimson Dreamers. “Perhaps we could arrange a play date once they start walking around on their own.” They were only days old now but he knew that within a month or two they would be running around and maybe even starting to speak.


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