Newbie - need some critique and advice
Here's my input (because Marit beat me D:<):

Is Vin Furia the exact name of whatever it was inspired by? If that's the case, I would encourage you to change it. I don't believe it's against the rules, but being creative is half the fun. There are plenty of recycled names and references (half of the Lykois have biblical names, including one named Arkham; Jefferson isn't a reference, but it was an American president, etc.) ... I personally find coming up with names one of the best parts of creating a character. I like to use the name generator on or just write down interesting thoughts or words that might be neat put in a name, etc. It usually takes me a while, but that's just me.

Puppy characters tend to be more successful than when new players start with adults. A lot of adult characters have unsteady personalities or are already set in stone, which makes them hard to roleplay sometimes; puppy characters are usually happy, curious, and still learning, so they're more exciting at least at first. Having a puppy apprentice another character is often more fun than having an adult apprentice. The ideas you want him to apprentice in are easy; you can have him enter with some of those skills (the reading/writing one in particular) if you want, and others he can learn from whichever pack he joins. :3 Ultimately, which age you enter him is up to you. If you're really stuck, maybe consider having him be an adolescent -- 6 months-ish, so you get a little bit of both worlds.

Someone else can specify if those weights/heights are wrong for Luperci; I can't remember what the standards are off the top of my head.

Appearance-wise, though, the coloring seems doable. It's odd for grey, black, AND brown to be added together; it's not natural coloring, or at least it's very unnatural so you might want to rethink it. Greys, blacks, and whites are usually paired together; browns, tans, and khakis/whites and the occasional blacks are okay too. We allow unnatural colorings at Souls is they were like tattooed or dyed, but I doubt that coloring would be terribly troublesome.

It looks like you already have a puppyhood background set for him (abuse, etc.) so maybe you should bring him in at either adolescence or somewhere between that and adulthood. Be careful not too make him TOO serious, especially for your first character... they are often draining to play, and a lot of people lose interest fast. He went through abuse, though, so it's understandable -- just be careful and keep this in mind so you know what you're prepared for.

Background looks pretty solid and original. I like it. I can understand splitting one's head on a rock, but that must have been a pretty sharp rock to leave a long scar. When it comes to how he reached 'Souls territory, you could just say that the other pack was not far from it but somewhere off lands, or that he just happened to wander, which is probably the most likely. Remember that wolves typically do not remain loners -- this isn't so much the case for 'Souls wolves since some stay loners forever, but in real life wolves can hardly survive on their own. If he doesn't have any hunting skills, you might want to keep that in mind. My character was a loner awhile, then got attacked by a bear and lost full usage of one of his legs -- he was gimpy like that only a short time before he collapsed on the borders of Phoenix Valley mostly emaciated because he couldn't hunt on his own with the handicap.

The descriptions of his parents/siblings aren't particularly important unless you need to reference them for something or put them on the Open Characters list for people to adopt, but there's no problem in shaping them out for your own reference. They look solid. :3

I answered a couple of your questions, but here's the rest:
--You can usually find a mentor of some sort in whichever pack you choose. You can always post in Roleplay Related after you join about it and if no one from the pack can do it, you can find someone from another pack and they can "run into each other" and somehow get to the point where they teach him something. Easy enough. :3
--His stats seem okay to me, but 200 pounds is scrawny for a 7'2" person, I think. Another mentor can back me up on this.
--I don't believe there is. The basics about Inferni is that they are a coyote or coyote-hybrid clan; no pureblood wolves can join. The clan is full of wolf-hating coyotes; most of the characters there are dark, mean, evil, or have some sort of deep-set issue that sets them apart from the rest of the board... unless you're Razekiel, of course, when you're just a crazy hippie who sort of lives there and pretends he doesn't hate wolves. Inferni gets in a lot of trouble and has a lot of conflict with the wolf packs. If you want something more relaxed, I'd definitely turn you towards one of the other packs, especially because a couple of them we are really encouraging joiners to aim for because they are lower in numbers. Inferni is open, but they aren't in dire need for members right now, unlike Phoenix Valley or AniWaya. If you have other questions on Inferni, though, you can keep posting here or just PM one of the leaders (Gabriel or Kaena; both Mel and Sie are very nice).

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