This Is The Life On Mars

Table by Alli
OOC: Happy 420! *dances and smokes bowl*

Wait now, what did they say
About the human body and proportions of things?
Blood is an energy conductor.
I am full of that all I need is an outlet.


Thanks, Cotl the male thanked him. Cotl dismissed the thanks with a nod of his head and a stoned smile. With the flick of lighter, the green bud turned to ash, the male taking in an impressive hit for the first time. Cotl was excited though he knew that he would more than likely have to repack the bowl after it. He didn't care though, he was completely happy because he had enough to spare. He could always work for more as well, since he had been in connection with the male whom grew it in Halifax. Though the winter seemed like it'd kill the plants, unless the male figured a rig. Cotl had read about how the humans were able to grow things year around because of these buildings that were called "green houses". He didn't know specifics on the green houses, but he knew where he could find some specifics. After all, they were right infront of a library. The male let go of the carb and then the other inhaled the rest of the smoke, and slowly breathed the smoke out through the filter. He then went into a coughing fit. Whoa!

Cotl waited until the male took the mask off and handed it back to him, until the male spoke. He grabbed the mask back from the male, a stupid smile still on his maw. The male took an instant reaction to the THC. A newbie didn't need much, and the gas mask had the same effect as a vaporizer. Just slightly harsher. So, so we're at the library, smoking weed? Aha. That's funny, I just took my son here a few weeks ago! the male was startled slightly by the male's words, just because he had already started to pack another bowl. The male looked up from the mask's bowl and the look on his face was half "Huh?" and half realizing what the male had said. Smoking infront of a library? Son? Kansas was already a father? It made him wonder how old he was for a moment before he decided that he didn't care. Cotl smiled at the comment. Smoked in it a week or so ago.-BULLSHIT COCK FACEEEEE- with some chickity-chicky-poo-da. I forgot her goddamn name. Something with a "vagina"... the male spoke, shrugging before he continued to pack the bowl. He then mounted the mask on his face before the male snatched his lighter from the boy's other hand quickly and lit the end of his bowl.

What the hell, man, you're on a horse. H-hey, did you get that horse from my sister? Her name's Ember. Huh? the male then spoke. Cotl had been in the middle of taking a hit, and the male had busted out laughing in the middle of it. He was quick to remove the bowl, so he didn't blow the weed out, but he just couldn't help but laugh at the male for pointing out the obvious.
You're mister obvious. -SUCK MY PRESIDENTIAL COCK, BITCH!- But yeah, I did get Maschine from a woman named Ember. Didn't know she was your sister. Woulda' fucked her too if I knew that much! the male joked about fucking his sister, but it would have been funny to see the male's reaction about the joke, if he took it serious.
Next time you see her, Tell her that Maschine is doing pretty awesome, und that I couldn't wish for a better horse. Kiss her for me too. the male again, added another joke in there, his own maw letting out a laugh before he tried to hit the bowl again, and this time, he did not fail. He lit the bowl, inhaled, let go of the carb, and then inhaled completely. He exhaled about 20 seconds later before he just smiled. He did not remove his face from the mask, feeling quite amazing at the moment.
How you feeling mannn? -FUCK SHIT-



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