When it rains
look at these people, amazing how sheep will show up for the slaughter

Mm, tempting offer. the feo spoke, moments of silence flying by. He figured she didn't like to talk much. Or she was just shy because he was new. He didn't think she was shy. She didn't look it. His eyes were on the rabbit before he cleared his throat again and his right audit twitched back once before he looked up. "You guys wouldn't have any herbs lying around here? -SHIT-Or, I don't have to cook it, unless you want me to.." the male spoke, wondering if she even wanted her meal cooked or not. The male then let his eyes wander back down to the last rabbit, his hands carefully holding the fur to where he wouldn't get blood on it. The snow white pelts were delicate, and the pelts made good as a lining to another blanket. Sewing it would be awkward for the male, again him not being so good at sewing things. He was still trying at least.

I'd imagine that you were born here, since you have family in Inferni. -NYEHHH- Was it nice growing up here? How old are you, by the way? You seem young yourself. the male spoke, wondering how much older he was than she, or vice versa (though she looked very young to him). As soon as he was finishing up with the skinning, the male twitched his neck to the right, and made a grunting sound before he quickly fixed himself and looked to the corner of the kitchen to see a pile of logs. He then looked to the stove for a second. He moved quickly over to the logs, and placed some at the bottom of the stove, just in case she did want them cooked. In that case, he could just start up a fire and then cook on top of the stove with some pans that he found in the counters. He had cleaned them in the rain the day before when he had made some food, but the other day, he looked for herbs and couldn't find any, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, just because she had been here longer than he. He wandered back over towards her and leaned up against the counter he had been skinning the rabbit on.


ooc: "slipping" iii---Table © Miyu <33 +


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