here C.omes the S.un

Wow, I'm the slowest person ever. Deepest apologies.

indent Melisande smiled as the female stated the pleasure was all hers... it was a kind of politeness that you never heard anymore. Melis remembered being taught manners as a pup, saying "please" and "thank-you". She even named people ma'am and sir every so often. Of course, she was also taught, back then, to bow at her alpha's feet, and now that she thought about that, she didn't think she'd ever showed Laruku the kind of respect she'd once shown her grandmother. Well, learn, forget, it was all part of life, she supposed.

indent What was she doing out here? Melisande gave a happy little shrug with her wolfish shoulders. "Just enjoying the day, more than anything. " A bird fluttered suddenly from a nearby tree, and Melisande's instincts told her to look over, just to see what all the commotion was. There didn't appear to be anything too disturbing going on, but she made note to keep an eye on the area as she turned back. "What about you? Are you here for any particular reason?"


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