it's trouble and it's in our road

How rude. 300+

Why, why, why had he waited so long before he had taken the throne. Had he known she was this weak he would have done it ages ago. A low, unconscious snarl erupted from the wicked Rosea as his large paws thundered across the landscape, trailing the border as always. His weakness and the blunt excuses he tried to soothe the dark spirit with were beyond disgusting. Failure was so close and left him negatively charged – darker and more twisted than ever. He could see them plot against him in the shadows – the pack that he had saved and served for so long! A clawed hand was rasping through his spine and caused his heart to raise its speed nowadays. It was unnatural and it was wrong, for Haku Soul had lost his ability to fear long time ago. Something was definitely off.

Perhaps it was his life force rising temporarily before death – perhaps it was an illusion of life only to be taken away much too soon. Lips twisted at this though, for he was never emotionally unstable. He was supposed to be empty. There was nothing left in the house of ghosts except for the forever weeping child sending echoes of misery off the walls. The large secui almost tripped over his own limbs when a dominant scent other than his caused his nostrils to explode. The annoyed rumble died down in his throat as the King of Dahlia de Mai instantly lowered his muzzle to inhale the scent of an unknown male. What the fuck. Head rose and blue orbs gazed furiously out into empty space for a moment before he exploded into motion.

He did not waste time erasing the loner’s scent with his own until hot crimson was all that was left. A large form painted with black and odd, almost unnatural patches of blonde with hints of orange. The twisted Dahlian’s speed lessened slightly, but he was beyond aggravated, really. ”What the fuck?” the chocolate coated Rosea tossed out with disgust. This was surely a plot of some kind! ”You want to die?” he hissed out between fully exposed fangs as ripples of delicious taint danced up his spine and filled his head with pitch black. Who was this man? The man was too distracted by these strange emotions raging within to ponder why he had not gone straight for the man's throat already.

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