And I'll see you around...[aw]
Angelique saw the movement of the two and kept her silence to a maximum. They had spotted her target and made the necessary movements to take it down. Now the old one took its turn left to run from the wolves which proved to have failed miserably. Soon enough Angel was on her like a ton of bricks and aimed for her injured leg to disable her more. A howl and scream came from it as Angel bit her leg and broke it in two places. That was enough to make the doe fall but not before she aimed her foot right in her face.

Angel snarled at the old one and bit at her other leg which made that one break too. Seeing as the elk was still trying to run surprisingly Angel allowed the time to back up some knowing there was no chance now for the elk to survive and allowed the other two to get a hit in it or two. Soon enough Angel sped forward again and made her way to the shoulder of the old one and bit down while shaking her head making her shoulder become disabled.

Once she tasted blood on her tongue it only fueled her fire for blood more. Her eyes became narrowed and her stomach howled for more as she continued her rampage on the old one. Her shrieks and cries could be heard from the others who were now too far off to help or even care. She was done for. Her days had been numbered by three guardians of Hell.

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