burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Her head nodded at his words, taking them to heart and knowing them to be true. Already the motions in this form were being to feel more natural and less forced than they had. Still, she couldn't help but let her breath catch in her throat as his hand dropped away from her. She was nearly as relieved as Conor was that she hadn't instantly crumpled to the ground in a pathetic pile. Jumping that hurdle she felt confidence flood into her and she continued to carefully take small steps forward. She was doing it! She really was! Cambria didn't know if she'd ever been so proud of herself. His words made her laugh. "Psh, no I'm not! Silly." She glanced up at him, her eyes twinkling softly. "Thanks though." The girl was getting better as this teasing thing, she no longer took everything quite so literally.

Feeling she was able to, she started to increase her pace, though it was still a crawling one at best. Walking in a bit of a large circle her fingers brushed against the trees for reassurance, knowing that if Conor couldn't reach her in time she would be able to grab onto the quiet giants. Perhaps now more than ever she understood why her mother's friend Anu liked the large plants so much. Their sturdiness spoke to what the young wolf craved.


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