awkward pause and fatal flaws

She didn't know what time it was exactly, but the sun was it had to be day time at least. Ember had been taking a few days off from her training as she fought off a bad cold, her nose dripping and throat making it hard to breathe. It was a good thing she had stored that meat in the barn...she had just barely been able to get to it and walk back before she was overtaken by coughing and more drips from her nose. Her resting had extended itself through her illness and into the few days following it, though, the dark wolf choosing to sleep in instead of waking with the sun.

In fact, she was quite sure that she didn't know whether it was morning or afternoon. There was a light shining in her face, though. But...was it moonlight, even? Even that question wasn't enough to make her get up. She had lost track of everything in the last few days....yawn....but another few hours of sleep would do her good! She would return to her tribal duties tomorrow.

She was just closing her eyes when she heard footsteps, though. The nearby sounds made her snap to attention, ears going up as she listened. "Who's out there?" She called.


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