Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
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OOC:Table by Alex (snake); Loonnnnggg over due. My bad. >.<

Hey, Don't you know where you are? the litte pup spoke to him with such distaste in his words. Daisuke's own eyes narrowed on the smaller male, though his maw did not show any form of anger, distrust. Instead, he held a friendly smile on his maw. He had been caught, by one that was not his friend. More like the one whom would be his enemy. He could already tell. This boy was not happy about Daisuke's "trespass" into his lands. The loner again didn't pay attention to boundaries, and he actually knew exactly where he was. This is Inferni and you crossed the borders without asking to be let in. You have to leave, or I will make you leave. with this little piece of information, the male let out a small chuckle. Make me, eh? Gunna bite my ankles until I leave or something, little guy? the male asked, chuckling softly to himself before he tapped his staff on the ground twice.

A shadow in a distance caught his eye as it went behind a tree. Daisuke was very aware of another's presence. And he noticed that this other shadow was something definitely bigger than the male infront of him. No, it's not you whom will kick me out, now is it? That one over there. He's quite bigger than you the male pointed his finger at the tree he had seen the male go behind. Who are you? My name's Daisuke Ghanjai. the male let his eyes fall back down onto the male, that stupid grin still sitting on his face. He was not concerned with danger. Daisuke never was. Adventure knew no danger.


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