careening shamelessly into oblivion
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Heck yeah ;P

This was all kind of spooky, in a silly way, and in a moment of levity Gotham had to hold back a giggle. He felt, perhaps, a little mean for doing this to the monster, but it was a monster after all! Anyway, his uncle's plan seemed pretty humane, and they would get a good look at the thing. After giving Ehno an enthusiastic nod, the boy snuck around to the left side, eyeing the corner intently just in case the creature managed to sneak around some other way. He wondered, now, what monsters looked like. Were they just shadowy beasts, as this one had appeared so far, or did they have giant fangs and ragged claws?

As they snuck closer and closer, Gotham's steps slow and careful, the creature became even more quiet than it already was, and whatever small actions it had been making completely stopped. The puppy thought he could see a bit of a gleam off the thing's eyes, and for a moment he felt a bit of fear. He was more guilty than anything, though, and though it was completely possible that the monster was just acting scared, it was also possible it was feeling as much fear as the boy could sense. He stopped his advance towards the thing, and stepped a little to the side, giving it a small pathway to escape. He wasn't sure if it would actually dart past him, though, or if that would be considered too risky. Feeling guilty both for scaring the monster and for letting his uncle down, Gotham cast Ehno a quick glance, to see if he knew what his nephew was up to.

Requiem made this ♥

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